Hop (Humulus lupulus) Essential Oil

Hop (Humulus lupulus) Essential Oil

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Hop (Humulus lupulus) Essential Oil

Hop (Humulus Lupulus) Essential Oil

Product Description

Hop (Humulus Lupulus) Essential Oil
Availability: In stock
Only %1 left
As low as CA$28.93

Plant description

Latin Name : Humulus lupulus
English Name : Hop
French Name : Houblon, houblon grimpant, salsepareille indigène, vigne du Nord
Family : Cannabinaceae
Origin : Canada, cultivated cones

History and origin

Hop is a perennial plant. In its natural environment, it grows in shaded and humid places. It is a dioecious plant, that means each plant carries only female or only male flowers. Female produces cones covered with a yellow, fragrant and bitter resin, the lupulin. This substance is used in making beer. In traditional medicine, hop preparations were used to enhance relaxation and improve sleep. 


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Aromatherapy Data Sheet

Distilled Part: Flower
Extraction: Steam distillation
Main Components:

Monoterpenes : myrcene 70%
Sesquiterpenes : farnesene, β-caryophyllene et α-humulene 15%

Oil characteristics:

Aspect: clear liquid. Color: colorless to pale yellow. Odor: characteristic and spicy.

Energetic and emotional action

Help let go of the past. Dispel the fears.



The chemical compounds found in hop are used in flavoring and bittering beer. Some other compounds help with creating and stabilizing the foam. Only female plants and their cones are used in making beer.

Young shoots are edible, although bitter in taste.


Hop is used in hair care products to repair cuticle damages, in bath preparations (calming and relaxing), in creams to tone and purify sensitive and mature skins.


In diffusion for a short time and in synergy with other essential oils for its relaxing and soporific effects.


The aroma is profoundly green, balanced. The resin is very present with a very slight note of citrus.

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Contraindicated in cases of fibrocystic breast disease or hormono-dependent cancers. 


Main components

Monoterpene: Myrcene (60 % to 80 %)

Sesquiterpenes: Alpha-humulene (5 % to 10 %), beta-caryophyllene (1 % to 5 %)

Documentation and References

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