Grand ménage (Spring Clean), Diffuser Blend

Grand ménage (Spring Clean), Diffuser Blend

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Grand ménage (Spring Clean), Diffuser Blend

Antiseptic and antifungal essential oils synergy for diffusion and housekeeping.

Product Description

Antibacterial and antifungal essential oils synergy to take care of your home and environment.

Ingredients: Balsam fir, sweet orange, niaouli, ajwain and eastern white cedar.
Properties:  Antiseptic and antifongal.
Availability: In stock
Only %1 left
As low as CA$26.04



  • With your portable vacuum cleaner, swallow a Kleenex on which you will have placed 10 to 12 drops of the blend to diffuse and purify while you clean.
  • Add 5 to 6 drops to soap and water directly in the washer to sanitize efficiently even in cold water.
  • To clean windows and surfaces, pour 10 to 12 drops in water and vinegar.
  • Use 10 to 12 drops of the blend when you clean the toilet bowl.
  • Simply diffuse the blend with your nebulizer or on a passive diffuser.


 Clean and fresh aroma of citruses and evergreens.




Here a easy scouring powder recipe and 100% natural!

To realise you scouring powder in a useful swifter, mix the following ingredients:

165 g of baking soda
3 g sea salt
40 drops of Spring cleaning complex

Use your scouring powder like you always did!


This product is designed for diffusion or inhalation.
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