Grapefruit White Distilled (Citrus paradisii) Essential Oil

Grapefruit White Distilled (Citrus paradisii) Essential Oil

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Grapefruit White Distilled (Citrus paradisii) Essential Oil - Plant extracts

Grapefruit White Distilled (Citrus paradisii) Essential Oil

Product Description

Grapefruit White Distilled (Citrus paradisii) Essential Oil
  • Québec vrai
  • USDA Organic
Availability: In stock
Only %1 left
As low as CA$17.15

Plant description

Latin Name : Citrus paradisii
English Name : White Grapefruit
French Name : Pamplemousse blanc
Family : Rutaceae
Origin : United States, Italy, Argentina

History and Origin

Citrus paradisii is a very popular citrus in the market. It is a large fruit that ranges in diameter from approximately 10 to 15 cm, with a yellow or pink peel when ripe. However, the fruit is very much smaller than the pomelo fruit, Citrus maxima syn. Citrus grandis. When discovered in the Antilles around 18th century, the pomelo was considered as a mutation of Citrus grandis. Then, in 1847, James Mac Fayden, in his book Flore de la Jamaïque, gave it its botanical name Citrus paradisii. From 1948, one started to suspect that pomelo was in fact a hybrid of Citrus maxima x Citrus sinensis, i.e. a hybrid of grapefruit and orange. Moreover, its botanical name appears more and more often written in order to reflect this hybrid status: Citrus x paradisii.

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Aromatherapy Data Sheet

Distilled Part : Zest
Extraction : Steam distillation
Oil Characteristics : Colorless liquid with a delicate, fruity and sweet smell.

Energetic and Emotional Effect

Calm mental agitation and allows contact with inner voice. It dissipates mental thoughts trapped in the aura, making this oil a strong cleaner of the mental body. It clears the etheric blood of karmic imprints and heals problems letting the parasites invading the body.

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It can be used in recepies like white tea with grapefruit essence or pineapple flan. Ref: Cuisiner avec les huiles essentielles et les eaux florales, Emmanuel et Valérie Cupillard.


It can be used to sanitize air and give a fresh scent in houses with nebulizers. Put a few drops in the wash water for the floors.


Facial care for people with congested or oily skin in cream composition or cleaning gel.


  • Grapefruit White distilled is not photosensitizing.
  • May cause skin irritations.


Lot B-CIPABUSA11Q (2015/08)

United States

Monoterpene : Limonene (89-97 %)


Lot CIPABZARG12T (2019/04)


Monoterpene: Limonene (94,46 %)


Lot CIPABDARG06Y (2024/06)


Monoterpene: Limonene (93,70 %)

Documentation and References

  • FRANCHOMME, Pierre, Docteur PÉNOËL, Daniel, L’aromathérapie exactement, Éditions Roger Jollois.
  • EIDSON, Deborah, La guérison vibratoire, Guy Trédaniel éditeur.
  • CUPILLARD, Emmanuel et Valérie, Cuisiner avec les huiles essentielles et les eaux florales, Éditions La Plage.
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