Sandalwood (Santalum austrocaledonicum) Essential Oil

Sandalwood (Santalum austrocaledonicum) Essential Oil

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Sandalwood (Santalum austrocaledonicum) Essential Oil

Product Description

Our sandalwood essential oil is produced according to a sustainable approach and equitable sharing in New Caledonia. The production supports local economy, populations and preservation of the forest.

The seedlings are cultivated in nurseries to be planted in forest. Each year, only 40 to 50 years old trees are selected for cutting. In addition, 10 trees are planted for every tree cut. This way, natural regeneration is superior than harvesting.

Availability: In stock
Only %1 left
As low as CA$30.51

Plant description

Latin Name: Santalum austrocaledonicum
English Name: Sandalwood
French Name: Bois de santal
Family: Santalaceae
Origin: New Caledonia

History and Origin

Sandal wood grows as a small tree feeding from planting sucker shoots in the roots of other trees. Hemiparasitic, it is unable to transform nutrients in the soil. The variety austrocaledonicum was discovered in 1840 on Pins Island, New Caledonia. In India, many temples were built with its fragrant wood. Some excerpts from the Bible make reference to the use of sandal wood for the crafting of harps, lutes and railings for the Temple of Jerusalem, in the time of Solomon. Sandal wood is still today very much used in Hindu rituals and ceremonies. For instance, it enters in the composition of pastes used in the Temples of Shiva for embalming. Traditionally used in the Pacific Islands as a fragrant addition to coconut oil, applied on the body and hair. It is also specially recommended to treat chronic bronchitis and pulmonary problems. Women in the Comoro Islands and Mozambique make a paste used as a facial mask worn outside of the privacy for skin regeneration and protection (from cooking, working in the fields, etc.).

Back in 1865, overexploitation already threatened the plant’s future. It is one of the reasons why Aliksir chooses cultures that respect ecological and environmental values. We want to ensure the species and ecosystems’ safeguard.

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Aromatherapy Data Sheet

Distilled Part: Wood
Extraction: Steam distillation
Oil Characteristics: Yellow liquid with a dense and thick texture.

Energetic and Emotional Effect

Calms the mental (This is why it has been used in India for thousands of years to prepare meditation). Helps visualization and meditation by slowing down “mental hyperactivity”. It also reinforces the link between the Crown and Base chakra. The smell of sandal wood brings a sense of exotic sensuality and calmness. Sandal wood is used in the preparation of spiritual and self-healing work. Evolution of the Spirit is achieved through awakening the Kundalini and taming sexual energies. On an energetic level, sandal wood aligns and balances the center of sacral chakra’s feminine energies with the masculine energies of the root chakra. This alignment frees up the kundalini’s reserve of energy, wrapped around the base of the spine. By liberating this energy, it becomes able to take root and to connect with the heart. Sandal wood calms the fire of sexual desire and brings a feeling of completeness, which eases the process of learning the meaning of True Love. By exploring True Love’s nature, we are better able to understand the Divine and Sacred nature of sex.

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A light touch will delicately perfume jams and jellies.


Balsamic and woody.


Diffused, it helps harmonizing and enhances creativity.


Largely used in after-shaves and care creams for dry, oily or acne-bearing skins.


Lavender, rose, clove, jasmine, myrrh, patchouli, vetiver, black pepper, bergamot, rosewood, geranium and benzoin.   






















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Should be avoided during pregnancy.


Lot SAAUNCL08Q (2014/06)

New Caledonia

Sesquiterpenols: z-α-santalol (41,46 %), z-β-santalol (14,19 %), lanceol (8,05 %), z-α-bergamotol (5,05 %)

Sesquiterpene aldehyde: α-santalal (1,25 %)

Sesquiterpene: α-santalene (1,12 %)


Lot SAAUNCL07R (2015/09)

New Caledonia

Sesquiterpenols: z-α-santalol (42,96 %), z-β-santalol (14,13 %), lanceol (7,34 %), z-α-bergamotol (4,53 %), epi-β-santalol (3,87 %) 


Lot SAAUNCL12R (2015/09)

New Caledonia

Sesquiterpenols: z-α-santalol (42,96 %), z-β-santalol (14,13 %), lanceol (7,34 %), z-α-bergamotol (4,53 %), epi-β-santalol (3,87 %) 


Lot SSAAUNCL09T (2018/10)

New Caledonia

Sesquiterpenols: z-α-santalol (43,24 %), z-β-santalol (18,07 %), z-lanceol (8,90 %), z-α-bergamotol (6,99 %)


Lot SSAAUNCL05U (2019/05)

New Caledonia

Sesquiterpenols: z-α-santalol (43,02 %), z-β-santalol (18,06 %), z-lanceol (9,02 %), z-α-bergamotol (5,61 %)


Lot SSAAUNCL03V (2021/01)

New Caledonia

Sesquiterpenols: cis alpha santalol (48,63 %), cis beta santalol (18,4 %), cis lanceol (5,98 %)








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Documentation and References

  • FRANCHOMME, Pierre, Docteur PÉNOËL, Daniel, L’aromathérapie exactement, Éditions Roger Jollois.
  • EIDSON, Deborah, La guérison vibratoire, Guy Trédaniel éditeur.
  • DAVIS, Patricia, Aromathérapie spirituelle, Éditions De Mortagne.
  • LUBINIC, Edeltraud. Manuel pratique d’aromathérapie, les huiles essentielles et leurs utilisations, Éditions Vigot. 
  • DAVIS, Patricia, L'Aromathérapie de A À Z, Les éditions Vigot.
  • LAWLESS, Julia, The Complete Illustrated Guide to AROMATHERAPY: A Practical Approach to the Use of Essential Oils for Health and Well-being, Éditions Element.
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