St. John's-wort (Hypericum perforatum) Essential Oil, Bulgaria

St. John's-wort (Hypericum perforatum) Essential Oil, Bulgaria

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St. John's-wort (Hypericum perforatum) Essential Oil, Bulgaria

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Plant description

Latin Name : Hypericum perforatum
English Name : St. John's-wort
French Name : Millepertuis, herbe aux mille trous, herbe de Saint-Jean
Origin : Bulgaria

History and Origin

St. John’s-wort was introduced in Canada. It is now a widely spread plant, except for the Prairies. St. John’s-wort is a medium-sized herbaceous plant with numerous five petals flowers of a bright yellow. Petals are dented and dotted with numerous resiniferous black glands. The flowers used to enter in the preparation of mead, liquors, and a longevity elixir.

Native Americans use it as a tranquilizer as well as to treat cuts, skin problems, rheumatisms, respiratory problems, diarrhea, and fever. Flower tops were also used to make dies for wool and silk. St. John’s-wort is widely known, notably for its antidepressant properties. It is used as an essential oil, maceration oil, and tincture.

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Aromatherapy Data Sheet

Distilled Part : Aerial part
Extraction : Steam distillation
Main Components : a and ß-pinene, methyl-2-octane
Oil Characteristics : Transparent colorless liquid with a warm and herbaceous aroma, reminding wild carrot seed oil.

Energetic and Emotional Effect

St John’s wort is a solar plexus toner. It builds up and reaffirms the will. This oil helps regaining one’s freedom over life situations.


  • Avoid in allergic subject (in external use)
  • Do not use in cases of testicle inflammation or cancer
  • The consumption of St John’s wort is photosensitizing


Lot: B-HYPEBGR06R (2016/07)


Hydrocarbon: methyl-2-octan (40,59 %)

Monoterpenes: α-pinene (19,87), β-pinene (6,06 %)

Sesquiterpenes: β-caryophyllene (4,15 %), germacrene D (6,80 %)

Documentation and References

  • L’aromathérapie exactement
  • La Flore Laurentienne
  • The Illustraded Encyclopedia of Essential Oils 
  • Native American Ethnobotany
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