Tea Tree, Narrow-leaved (Melaleuca alternifolia) Essential Oil

Tea Tree, Narrow-leaved (Melaleuca alternifolia) Essential Oil

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Tea Tree, Narrow-leaved (Melaleuca alternifolia) Essential Oil

Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) Essential Oil

Product Description

Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) Essential Oil
  • Québec vrai
  • USDA Organic
Availability: In stock
Only %1 left
As low as CA$11.58

Plant description

Latin Name : Melaleuca alternifolia
English Name : Tea Tree
French Name : Mélaleuque à feuilles alternes, arbre à thé, théier
Family: Myrtaceae
Origin : Afrique du Sud, Australia

History and Origin 

Originally from Australia, tea tree is one of the most widely known medicinal aromatic plants. Australia’s Indigenous people have used its leaves for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.

Its common name “tea tree” dates back to Captain Cook’s expeditions (1770). The English sailors would drink in infusion of the leaves, fresh or dried, to replace their favorite beverage.


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Aromatherapy Data Sheet

Distilled Part : Leaves
Extraction : Steam distillation
Oil Characteristics : Clear and mobile liquid, pale yellow with a fresh, powerful and spicy smell.

Energetic and Emotional Effect

Tea tree reflects the energy of the soul. Its vibration expands the chakras and aligns them on the vibration of the crown. The oil has a tonic effect that relieves stress.



 Can be added to water for cleaning surfaces or directly into the toilet bowl. Tea tree oil will act as an effective disinfectant.


 Used in the crafting of soaps, toothpastes and mouthwash as well as in the formulation of beauty products.


None under physiological dosages.


Lot : B-MEALZAF08Q (2015/12)

South Africa

Monoterpenol : terpinene-4-ol (39,44 %)

Monoterpenes : y-terpinene (21,43 %), α-terpinene (11,04 %)


Lot : B-MEALZAF05S (2018/01)

South Africa

Monoterpenol : terpinene-4-ol (43,103 %)

Monoterpenes : y-terpinene (20,995 %), α-terpinene (9,256 %)  


Lot  BMEALZAF05T (2019/03)

South Africa

Monoterpenol: terpinene-4-ol (39,321 %)

Monoterpenes: y-terpinene (22,547 %), α-terpinene (11,996 %)


Lot  BMEALZAF01U (2019/08)

South Africa

Monoterpenol: terpinene-4-ol (40,577 %)

Monoterpenes: y-terpinene (21,949 %), α-terpinene (10,883 %)


Lot  BMEALZAF09U (2020/02)

South Africa

Monoterpenol: terpinene-4-ol (41,786 %)

Monoterpenes: y-terpinene (21,757 %), α-terpinene (11,426 %)


Lot BMEALZAF05V (2020/05)

South Africa

Monoterpenol: terpinene-4-ol (42,744 %)

Monoterpenes: y-terpinene (22,123 %), α-terpinene (11,289 %)


Lot BMEALZAF09X (2022/05)

South Africa

Monoterpénol : terpinene 1-ol-4 (40,55 %)

Monoterpènes : y-terpinene (20,97 %), α-terpinene (10,47 %)


Lot BMEALZAF01Y (2024/01)

South Africa

Monoterpénol : terpinene 1-ol-4 (41,48%)

Monoterpènes : y-terpinene (20,97%), α-terpinene (10,52%)





















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