Sweet Fern (Comptonia peregrina) Essential Oil

Sweet Fern (Comptonia peregrina) Essential Oil

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Sweet Fern (Comptonia peregrina) Essential Oil

Sweet Fern (Comptonia peregrina) Essential Oil

Product Description

Sweet Fern (Comptonia peregrina) Essential Oil
  • Québec vrai
  • USDA Organic
Availability: Out of stock
Only %1 left

Plant description

Latin Name: Comptonia perigrina
English Name: Sweet fern
French Name: Comptonie voyageuse
Family: Myricaceae
Origin : Canada

History and Origin

Sweet fern grows easily in acid, sandy and dry grounds such as meadows, pastures and woodland clearings. It is frequently found in association with jack pine (Pinus divaricata). It does not tolerate shade and colonizes burnt-out woods and clear cutting sites. Its roots associate with bacteria able to stabilize nitrogen contained in the air. It is a medium-sized shrub with very aromatic leaves, dotted with dark green resiniferous glands recalling fern.

Native Americans use it in infusions to treat headaches, flues, fever and bronchial obstructions. The leaves also help treating diarrhea, skin inflammations (such as poison ivy), affections, and sprains. The root relieves rheumatisms and inflammations whereas fruits and bark would be used to prepare a tonic beverage. Fresh leaves helped conservation when placed at the bottom of a fruit basket. 

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Aromatherapy Data Sheet

Distilled Part: Aerial part
Extraction: Steam distillation
Oil Characteristics: Transparent liquid, slightly yellow and thick with a fruity, very sweet, spicy and deep. The scent is intoxicating and refreshing.

Energetic and Emotional Effect

Of all the oils, sweet fern is the most efficient to connect Sky and Earth within us. Link Cosmos – Base: apply one drop on the tongue and two drops on the sole of the feet. In order to favor psychic work, apply two drops on the third eye rubbing clockwise.

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Sweet fern is being discovered as an aromatic from Quebec. Its taste is interesting and worth a try for every chef looking fond of new flavors.


  • Non toxic and non irritant. 
  • No contraindication known under normal physiological doses.


Main Components

Sesquiterpene: Beta-caryophyllene (30 % to 60 %)

Monoterpene: Myrcene (5 % to 10 %)

Terpene Oxide: 1,8-Cineol (5 % to 10 %)

Documentation and References

  • FRANCHOMME, Pierre, Docteur PÉNOËL, Daniel, L’aromathérapie exactement, Éditions Roger Jollois.
  • MARIE VICTORIN, La Flore Laurentienne, Gaëtan Morin Éditeur.
  • LAWLESS, Julia, The Illustraded Encyclopedia of Essential Oils, Element. 
  • MOERMAN, Daniel E., Native American Ethnobotany, Timber Press.
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