Canadian Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) Essential Oil

Canadian Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) Essential Oil

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Canadian Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) Essential Oil

Goldenrod Canada (Solidago canadensis) Essential Oil

Product Description

Goldenrod Canada (Solidago canadensis) Essential Oil
  • Québec vrai
  • USDA Organic
Availability: In stock
Only %1 left
As low as CA$14.57

Plant description

Latin Name : Solidago canadensis
English Name : Goldenrod
French Name : Verge d’or (Solidage du Canada)
Family : Asteraceae
Origin : Canada

History and Origin

There are numerous species of this plant, over a hundred. These grow in a wide variety of environments, and that characterizes the landscape of St. Lawrence Valley and North America in general. Goldenrod easily spreads owing to its prolific downy fruits (between 15 000 and 20 000 by plant). Once planted, goldenrod finds its way with its rhizomes. Goldenrods are also numerous and abundant in Europe. They are sometimes even considered as a weed plant, just like in North America. Numerous measures are taken in order to eradicate it. Goldenrod species are abundantly used by native people. Therapeutic uses are numerous. To name only a few, the plant is used as a liver stimulant, antipyretic and antidiarrheal. The Meskwaki people would also use it in children having difficulty starting to speak or laugh.

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Aromatherapy Data Sheet

Distilled Part : Aerial part
Extraction : Steam distillation
Main Components : germacrene-D, a-pinene and limonene
Oil Characteristics : Transparent liquid, sometimes pale yellow through time, with a very green, slightly sweet and humid smell.

Energetic and Emotional Effect

Goldenrod essential oils stimulate the opening of the Crown chakra. A relation can be made with the color and shape of the plant, recalling a golden arrow pointing the sky. For an emotional healing, it is suggested to use a synergy of ginger, black spruce and balsam poplar on the first, second and third chakras in combination with goldenrod essential oil on the forehead, sixth chakra.

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  • Non toxic and non irritant.
  • No contraindication known under normal physiological doses.


Main components

Monoterpenes: beta-pinene (15 % to 40 %), alpha-pinene (10 % to 30 %), myrcene (7 % to 13 %), limonene (7 % to 13 %), sabinene (3 % to 7 %)

Sesquiterpene: germacrene D (15 % to 40 %)

Documentation and References

  • FRANCHOMME, Pierre, Docteur PÉNOËL, Daniel, L’aromathérapie exactement, Éditions Roger Jollois.
  • MARIE VICTORIN, La Flore Laurentienne, Gaëtan Morin Éditeur. 
  • MOERMAN, Daniel E., Native American Ethnobotany, Timber Press.
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