Lemon-scented Tea tree (Leptospermum petersonii) Essential Oil

Lemon-scented Tea tree (Leptospermum petersonii) Essential Oil

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Lemon-scented Tea tree (Leptospermum petersonii) Essential Oil

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Plant description

Latin Name : Leptospermum petersonii
English Name : Lemon-scented tea tree
French Name : Leptosperme citronné
Family : Myrtaceae
Origin : South Africa

History and Origin

Lemon-scented tea tree is a shrub cultivated as an ornamental plant and to extract essential oil from its flowers and leaves. It can grow up to 5 meters. The white flowers bloom in fall and the leaves have a lemon scent.  

Aromatherapy Data Sheet

Distilled Part : Flowers and leaves
Extraction : Steam distillation
Oil Characteristics : Pale yellow to yellow liquid. Fresh citrus scent.

Energetic and Emotional Effect

This oil has a joyful, dynamic and sparkling heart note while increasing attention, action and courage thanks to its effect on the solar plexus.



The leaves are used to flavour black tea.


  • No contraindication known under normal physiological doses.



Lot B-LEPEZAF08Q (2015/06)

South Africa

Terpene aldehydes : geranial (28,62 %), neral (20,98 %), citronellal (20,33 %)

Terpene alcohols : linalool (1,93 %)


Lot BLEPEZAF05V (2019/04)

South Africa

Terpene Aldehydes: geranial (33,242 %), neral (23,306 %), citronellal (15,617 %)

Documentation and References

  • FRANCHOMME, Pierre, PÉNOËL, Daniel, JOLLOIS, Roger, L'aromathérapie exactement, Éditions Roger Jollois, Bayeux, 2001.
  • FRANCHOMME, Pierre, La science des huiles essentielles médicinales, Guy Trédaniel éditeur, Paris, 2015.
  • Wikipédia, leptospernum petersonii : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leptospermum_petersonii
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